June 7, 2007

Anne of Green Gables

As I'm sure anyone who has visited here has noticed, the actual address to this blog is anneatheart, or Anne at Heart. My middle name is Ann, but doesn't have anything to do with it. I love Anne of Green Gables. When the series first came out, in 1990 or so, I was about 9 years old. I was glued to the show. Thus began my fetish of anything old fashioned. I would dress up in whatever I had the resembled the clothing of that time period, pretend to have tea with my little porcelain tea set and stitch my sampler.

As I got older my mom bought me the actual set of books written by Lucy M. Montgomery and they have been put to good use. They are wonderful and while the show is accurate and does capture the spirit of the book, nothing compares to the written words. The author was very gifted in descriptive language and paints beautiful word pictures of the island without going overboard.

As much as I would love to dress myself in full Edwardian Anne Shirley garb, it's not too practical here in East Texas where the humidity is awful at the moment. Add to that the fact that my husband probably would refuse to be seen with me in public. I relate with Anne, as I have never stopped imagining things different from what they are, for fun. I also, especially as a teenager, had a knack for getting myself into 'scrapes'. I've gotten much better in recent years :)

1 comment:

Angelwitch said...

I'm glad that you reminded me of it! I also loved this series althogh I haven't read the book. I taped the episodes when they came on TV and they are a permanent part of my library. I loved the scenery of the series, I loved the clothing that the women wore and I'm quite fond of vintage clothing and like to wear it myself - I'm in the Northeastern part of the US so we have the weather for it.

Don't get me wrong, I do love the modern things too but I'm glad that I can like the older and more vintage things too.