June 18, 2009

Sorry I have no video for today. Yesterday I was out and about trying to get some corrective shoes for my oldest and spent all day away. (one of her legs is longer than the other) I was hot and tired when I got home late yesterday afternoon. I do actually need to get some housework done today, lol, so I'm not promising the next video installment yet.

The hardest part of the dress is done, besides the zipper. The skirt is MUCH easier than the sleeves :)

Yesterday I got blessed with many homegrown ripe tomatoes! So exciting, for me anyways. We already ate several of them at dinner last night, and I have enough to possibly make some fermented salsa. I might give it a try later.

I must say, I am having a hard time staying on top of stuff. I can either take care of the home, do laundry and cooking etc. OR pack our house. I can't seem to do both. I am considering hiring some help for a little while. I wake up every night HOT, need to go to the bathroom etc. and can't get back to sleep for awhile. This causes me to sleep later, thus getting started later in the day, plus I'm just slower.

Ok, time to get started on some stuff, maybe I'll 'see' you later :)


Blended in Texas said...

I always have a hard time getting stuff done! You probably do better than me...

Tereza said...

well you do have a lot on your plate! It's hard to do everything all at once!

Shannon L. Fowler said...

You have an award!! Come over to my blog and pick it up! :D