I've had lots of thoughts about this rolling around in my head lately. I've been on quite a health journey the last few years. I went from eating only perfect whole foods with the majority of it being raw, to eating a standard American diet again, then to Nourishing Traditions, then back to the SAD one again.
When I made 'the change' the first time, my health improved greatly! It worked well and seemed so easy after I got used to it. I was sure I could do it for life. Then morning sickness hit, and well, it got to where I ate what didn't nauseate me. This started a pattern so that after the baby came, I wasn't too excited about getting back on the stringent diet plan. And so goes the inability to lose weight since then.
After my second child I developed major health problems. It was over a year before I investigated them and began learning more about nutrition and natural healing. We started some good supplements and I ate more protein for our new growing baby and I did much better. After she was born, I took the plunge and ordered this book I'd been hearing a lot about called Nourishing Traditions. It was a good 6-8 months before I was able to really implement some of the practices in there. But, once I got going, it became easier. We did that full blast for at least 2 years, closer to 3.
Since I became preggo, that was out. At least the first three months and the last two months it has. In between we ate really well for awhile. What has my experience been? Well, um, actually, I've been fine. My digestive system has been much MUCH calmer, though we've been eating worse. Odd since I do have a full term baby inside. The children have been more, er, crazy, as in hyped up etc. But they did that on days they didn't have any sugar too. My husband has suffered the most, but probably because his workload is so much and has more stress than I do.
So, I'm wondering, could it be that not thinking about it at all takes the pressure off and allows my body to work right? I read an article once about healthy people trying to get healthier, but instead got sicker. They became obsessed with do everything perfect that they're bodies got worse and worse. You know what else? Every time I find out one thing is good, I'll read the complete opposite somewhere else. So which one is it? I think sometimes those of us who do NT cooking sort of put ourselves on a pedestal, that oh you might be healthy because you use organic and whole grains, but I'm
really healthy because I soak and ferment them.At least, that entered my mind many times.
My conclusions: we all know what to do really. We know it's better to eat foods that grow naturally in nature. We know that eating chemically laden false foods does us no good, because we are literally what we eat. We know that there are super-germs out there now and our bodies need to be filled with healthy bacterias to fight them. We know taking drugs may only mask the symptoms and it's a good idea to get to the bottom of the problem rather than cover it up.
Once I get things rolling again, I will go back to our healthier ways. Most likely I'll stop buying instant oatmeal packets and microwave breakfast sandwiches and corn dogs and frozen pizzas. The kool-aid will go out with the cheetos and popsicles. Fast food will occur less. (we've already eaten it 3 times this week!!!!)
But I think I'm done with soaking things. I don't notice much difference except beans and oatmeal. I just like the flavor of sourdough bread, but the other stuff isn't too special. Plus, in one place I read phytates are bad, then in another that they're good, so which is it?! If my children won't eat soaked sourdough bread, then why am I making it? If they will gladly eat homemade whole wheat yeasted bread, then shouldn't I do that?
Another thing I enjoy making is fermented veggies. Honestly, the sauerkraut was tasty. I'm not sure how to get children to like it, but dh and I liked it, and neither of us like commercial kraut. They love kefir and yogurt though, so I will continue with that. I think eating basic whole foods, as much organic as we can, really is the best you can do. If your body has the basics, then I think that's the most important.
And really, we shortchange the power of God's Word. Sometimes we are in a place where we just can't eat perfect, yet are obeying His voice. Don't we believe He will take care of it? If He tells us to go somewhere that is only serving junk food, then I'm sure it will be ok. All things are possible with Him. Eating perfect isn't the end all be all, or a religion, it's part of being a good steward of the temple of the Holy Spirit. Part of it mind you. Jesus Himself said it's not what goes into a man's body that defiles him, but what comes out. (not, er, bodily functions, but what comes from within our heart)
So, many thanks dear Lord for preserving our health in this crazy busy season. Our eating has not been ideal, but You have kept us strong.