October 29, 2008

Turn of events...

Well, I ended up at the ER this afternoon. I was pain free all of Monday, then the UTI pain hit me again. I kept at it with my natural methods but by today I could tell it was infected because my whole body was achy and the pain was worse. After awhile, the left middle of my back started hurting, which is where the kidneys are. I've never had kidney problems, but I started getting worried. Anyways, that coupled with all the sinus mess from the pollen in East Texas, well, I caved.
I felt the nudging of the Holy Spirit telling me, 'It's ok, go get some medicine, you didn't fail...'.

Sometimes our faith gets stretched or spread thin. My husband and I are really standing strong and working hard on our faith for this move, so when this came out of the blue, it was hard for me to be just as strong, especially when I was in so much pain. I have been confessing the Word, but I've also said things contrary to it.

Sometimes we need help with the pain so that we can hold fast to the Word of truth. Hey, I am human and still learning about faith and our words. I am saying this for the skeptics out there that think what I've said about our words and would try to say I'm a hypocrite or something.

So, I got the antibiotic and took it. I hate those things, but I need some relief...BAD! So I will be loading up on the kefir...

Anyways, I have a pot of chili cooking and we're about to eat Frito Pie and watch Ratatouille :)


FreshWhippedStitches said...

Hope you feel better soon. Don't feel like a failure. You took care of yourself based solely on the Lord first and foremost and He knows that. I personally believe we should cry out to the Lord first always, and go about healing as He leads. We are blessed to live in a country where we can just go to the doctor and be taken care of. The Lord put the doctors here, too! Big hugs!

Anneatheart said...

Thank you very much- I greatly appreciate your comment :)

Anonymous said...

You'll willingly put Frito Pie into your body, but you don't like putting medication into your body? I think the meds will do you more good than the Fritos.

I don't expect you to publish this, and that's ok. I just want you to think about what you are doing.

Your first comment was correct, God gave us doctors, in a round about way.

I also have had a weight problem in the past. I know what it is like to weigh 260 pounds. It is not fun, and very hard on the body.

I ablolutely LOVE your blog. But what you said in this post just did not make much sense.

It is not un-christian to the doctor when we are ill.

I do hope you feel better soon.

Mary in TN

Rachel said...

Sometimes our faith gets stretched or spread thin. My husband and I are really standing strong and working hard on our faith for this move, so when this came out of the blue, it was hard for me to be just as strong, especially when I was in so much pain. I have been confessing the Word, but I've also said things contrary to it.


Please, do not feel like a failure! Rebuking something does not mean it will automatically be taken care of. If that were the case, we wouldn't need any form of doctors and we would all be perfectly healthy and strong by just calling out to God for Him to heal us. But that is not how it is.

I think not accepting a physician diagnosis as final is more appropriate. God can and does heal. In HIS time.. not ours.

I hope this makes sense. I had a neighbor who struggled with this often. Her son was a drug addict and she often could be heard crying and praying... rebuking the devil from her son. He never changed. Why? HE didn't want to. She spent her whole life thinking SHE wasn't faithful enough.. SHE wasn't worthy. sometimes .. that's is just NOT the case.

Anonymous said...

Hello, Mary in TN again. I have been thinking about my comment to you, and I think it may be taken as rude or snide. It is hard for me to express my thoughts through a computer screen, so I wanted to come back and apologise if if you feel in any way hurt or ridiculed by my comment. That was not at all my intent. So if I have offended you, I am sorry!

Mary in TN

Anneatheart said...

Mary, I totally understand that it's hard to convey things on a screen. What I wrote more than likely doesn't make sense either- there's a lot of background info that I would have to explain.
Yes, Fritos are not that healthy, but do you realize how often I eat those? Like, once every 5 years...it was a treat I had planned for my family and the chili was homemade and very nutritious and the cheese all natural- Fritos just aren't gonna be healthy.

No offense taken...doctors certainly have their place, I've just had my fair share of unqualified ones mess me and my husband up :)

Renée said...

I haven't had a UTI in years (thankfully), but for some reason bright orange urine from the antibiotics always made me laugh. Hope you are feeling better, and I will definitely say a quick prayer for you!