August 31, 2009

A Day in my Life Part 2

Well, that didn't last long :) Sleepy time again. Then I worked on the toy situation. Hopefully I got rid of a lot of small pieces that have been traveling throughout the house.

Next I did the dishes, switched laundry, defrosted some chicken and started some banana muffins.

I also planned to bake granola bars, but I don't have honey, so I may try subsituting corn syrup later. My husband called to tell me he wasn't feeling well and was coming home. (He is better now) We ate a quick lunch- corn dogs and sanwiches :) Sarah decided to help Daddy feel better by giving him her Barbies :)

Next it was Sarah's nap time and time for baby to eat again. You'll notice I follow a pattern- eat, wake, sleep over and over again. If she doesn't wake up after three hours from her last feeding, I wake her to eat. This helps set her internal clock to be more awake during the day and sleep longer at night. She is doing wonderfully since I switched her formula to something more substantial.

Then I sat down to work on uploading some pictures. Baby is awake, but sleepy, and I can hear her grunting in her bassinet. I've been watching her sleep cues- yawning, drowsy eyes, slightly fussing...and then I lay her in the bed, give her the pacifier if she wants it and cover her with a loose weave soft baby afghan. She has been putting herself to sleep pretty well lately. As much as I would love to rock or hold her to get her to sleep, it's just not possible for me to do that every time. In the long run, both our lives will be better if I help her to get herself to sleep now :)

Next, I was tired and managed to fall asleep for quite awhile! I hate that feeling of waking up, not expecting to fall asleep, and trying to remember what happened! Time for baby to eat! Leiah was due home then, and soon after Alexa. My husband took a video of that instead of pictures. Then they had snacks and played while I started dinner.

We are having lemon rosemary chicken, a Greek type salad and seasoned yellow rice. Plus we have leftover carrot cake :)
Playing tea party and watching a movie.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Oh my goodness, Jessica. You inspried me to do my first every Day in my Life post, and it is really taking me forever. Mine will be in two parts because of the time it's taking me to do it. I haven't read part 2 and part 3 here yet, but I'm going to try and do that over my lunch :)