Sarah loves to play at the sink, and since she had covered her hands in washable marker, I figured soapy water would be a good diversion. I took her dress off and she looked so cute with her pink diaper, pink crocs, piggy tails and pink pacifier. (called a 'pow pow' here)

Last night I went to the grocery store, yay, after a long day out and about with children, I wasn't thrilled :) Many people have been writing about being more frugal and cutting costs in the food area. I was trying to do that too. But, lately, my husband and I have been learning more and more about the provision of the Lord and how He so desires to give us abundant life. I believe it is important to be wise in how you spend your money, but I also believe it is even more important to be led by the Spirit in all matters. Lately He has been telling me that He will provided what we need, even if it seems it will cost us more.
For example, food. It is better to put your money in quality foods than vitamins and supplements. Those certainly have their place, especially in a limited diet, but eating it straight from the source is best. (like eating fresh salmon in place of fish oil) So, I went to Brookshires, the grocery store chain my husband works for which is quite a bit pricier on organic items and such, and asked the Lord to guide me. I was hoping for less than $100.
I bought things that I don't normally buy because of cost. I bought more organic items this time. I even bought some cleaning items that I usually buy at walmart because of price. I even bought natural cleaning products, which are usually sky high.
As the checker scanned my groceries I just knew it was going to add up to $150 or something. But I knew that we would be provided for because I was listening and obeying. My total ended up being $93 and some change. The only thing I forgot was disposable diapers, which is usually around $5. I was so excited! Thank you Jesus! How wonderful to serve a God that cares so much about the details of our lives. What uncomprehensible love.
Some of the things I bought that are generally more costly:
fresh pineapple and strawberries
all natural nitrite free deli meat
cheese made from cows' milk with no growth hormones/antibiotics
organic half and half
the good eggs
organic whole grain pasta
organic raisins
6lbs of cabbage (on sale though)
Anyways, I thought it was pretty cool. So what meal have I been making lately? Here's the menu:
Monday: oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, sandwiches and macaroni salad, Mexican food at restaurant.
Tuesday: eggs and toast, fruit recipe next post down, lunch at Chuck E. Cheese (!!!not my idea), turkey sausage and bean soup, sourdough biscuits and butter
Wednesday: turkey sausage gravy, rest of biscuits, scrambled eggs; lunch was turkey and cheese sandwiches, strawberries and pickles, I ate the rest of the macaroni salad and kefir, we baked oatmeal raisin cookies( healthy and yummy, more about that later); lemon herb roasted chicken, sweet taters sauteed in coconut oil, corn on the cob and iced tea; after dinner herb tea party with cookies :)
Thursday: brown rice 'pudding' for breakfast and fruit; lunch-not sure yet; fresh pea soup (new recipe from Nourishing Traditions-I'm cooking chicken stock now), curried chicken salad with 'Rainbow Rice salad' (also from book)
Friday: kefir pancakes and turkey ham; leftovers for lunch; hamburgers with homemade buns, raw veggies and dip, dessert night, probably brownies
Saturday: planning an egg casserole and scones, lunch is free for all; dinner is homemade macaroni and cheese, steamed broccoli and salad
Sunday: leftovers from breakfast on Sat. or cereal, lunch at mom's, leftovers or ramen noodles (we eat a big lunch at Granna's)
See, I cook normal food :)
Well in my area it is very difficoult to be frugal. Housing is sky high, food costs a lot and the thrift stores often don't have what you need. I also don't have time to drag my kids to the thrift store seaching for what we need....but that's a whole post coming up on my blog.
Often too I think us women want to be more frugal and our men want thei meat or whatever it is they like so it's a balance to find.
I totally agree with you. I could make us eat beans and grains all the time, but dh really likes the meat! If we had no other alternative, then yeah he'd be all for low cost food, but one of the highlights of his day is coming home to a nice meal. He doesn't get too excited about beans and rice all by itself :)
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