April 1, 2008

I'm still around

I've just been doing other things instead of blogging :) Like, reading one of my library books.

I was very blessed by all the nice comments on my last post, as I was a little nervous about putting something up like that. Some people get all bent out of shape about discipline. Anyways, speaking of which, yesterday I had a different child. Miss Alexa was wonderful. I mean, there were a few tiny issues to deal with, but compared to last Monday, a night and day difference. And I wasn't perfectly consistent 100%. Now to crack down on the other two...

Also, we were totally blessed this weekend. A nursery close by is closing down and had loads of plants that they were giving away. We got the tiny pansies called violas and snapdragons-like 200 of them?? We also got some winter vegetables like broccoli and kale and some herbs. My husband got the flower beds ready to plant them and now it's been raining constantly... I guess it's true that 'April showers bring May flowers'.

Something unexpected also happened to me this past weekend. The Lord dropped a revolutionary plan on me for the kids in our area. I have always had a heart for youth and did a lot in youth ministry as a teen and after we were married. However, being absorbed in my family I didn't see that that was a possibility for me anymore. Yet my heart would still go out to the kids milling around in parking lots with nothing to do and maybe no one really cared where they were. I see kids hanging out wherever they can do who knows what. I want them to know that they matter, that there is a purpose for them, and that people do care about them.

Anyways, dh and I are meeting with the pastor this week to discuss it. If it works out then I will explain the details. I'm kinda anxious, because in my mind I'm not sure how to work it out without taking away from our family, but God has already placed strategic people that want to be a part of it as well. If this is His plan, it will all work out. I just need to let Him take care of it and not worry about details- easier said than done!

I had forgotten earlier to add this. A week or so ago I had ordered a gallon of virgin coconut oil. You've heard me talk about this stuff before. Anyways, my husband and I had taken a questionnaire about candida albicans overgrowth and we both tested positive, however his was much higher. So we ordered a special product for him and the oil for both of us. The oil is excellent at killing the candida. Anyways, I've been trying to get into my diet everyday, at least 2 tablespoons. I spread it on bread, cook eggs with it, use it in baking and once I drizzled it on top of grapefruit. I've also been rubbing it all over me! After a week I've noticed that my 'moods' are more stable, as in I don't need to take St. john's wort much at all to keep me from getting too stressed. Also, I don't get hungry or crave sugar. Sometimes I eat because it's been 5 hrs and I should probably eat something :) So if you are interested in knowing more about the coconut oil and candida go here.

I am also hoping it will help me to lose weight. I have come to the conclusion that losing weight isn't just about taking in less calories. It is possible that my thyroid might be messed up and that's why I can't see to lose. So, the oil is supposed to support thyroid function and boost metabolism. Go to that website and read more about it.

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